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About Blackhill Baptist Church

About Us

The Gospel of Mathew in the New Testament section of The Bible was possibly written at least in part in the Aramaic language, a type of ancient Hebrew, and later translated into Greek. The Greek writer in chapters 16 and 18 gives Jesus the word "ecclesia" when referring to the church which translates as "an assembly of the people" or "community".  "The Church” is therefore the people and is neither a building nor an institution. Blackhill Baptist Church is a group of ordinary people who are trying to follow The Way shown by Jesus. We are a small friendly church committed to Him, to one another, to the local community of which we are a part, and to the World. The "Good News" preached by Jesus was that God's Kingdom was very close and that every human being was invited with no divisions, no exclusions, and no special groups. We stand for breaking down divisions in a community and house of prayer for ALL people. 


Baptist Union Declaration Of Principle
1. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God in the flesh, is the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practise as revealed in The Bible, and that each church has liberty under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to interpret and administer His laws (Freedom of Conscience).
2. That Christian baptism is the immersion in water into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in our lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. Baptism does not bestow salvation which is achived by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ, but is an outward sign of an inner truth.
3. That it is the duty of every disciple to bear personal witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ , and to take part in spreading this truth throughout mankind.


The Gospel

The Greek word "gospel" translates as " good news" . Jesus himself taught that the Good News was that God's perfect kingdom was vary close and all people were invited, adding after his death and resurrection that everyone who believed in him would be saved.  This is a key part tral to the Christian faith. It is the story of how God, through his love and mercy, has provided a way for all humanity to be reconciled to him..  

God created humans in his image and gave them the freedom to choose whether to obey him or not. Unfortunately, the first humans, Adam and Eve, chose to disobey God, introducing sin into the world and separating humanity from God.

Despite their rebellion, God did not abandon humanity. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God's continual efforts to reach out to humanity and restore the relationship that was lost.

Finally, in the New Testament, we see God's ultimate plan for reconciliation come to fruition through Jesus Christ. Jesus, who was both fully God and fully human, came to earth and lived a sinless life, ultimately dying on the cross to pay the penalty for humanity's sin.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven of our sins and restored to a right relationship with God. This is the heart of the Christian message that God, in his love and mercy, has made a way for us to be saved and have eternal life.

In summary, the Gospel is the good news that God has provided a way for everyone to be reconciled to him through faith in Jesus Christ.

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